Your Smile is Our Passion!
My Personal Biography
I Moulavi, A. R. Fareedudeen Alim Mahzhari M.A., the present sole spiritual healer and founder of the Quadiriya Divine Centre, writing a brief biography regarding my service to humanity through my spiritual healing centre.
My parents taught me clearly about the basic pillars of Islam; 5 Kalima, Prayer ( Namaz ), Fasting in the duration of Ramazan, Zakath & Hajj. When I completed my school studies at the age of 16 years. by the advice of my father I decided to study Islamic religious theology and Shariat law (Alim Moulavi Course for 7 years).

Path to Islamic studies
My first step towards Islamic studies started in the year 1992 after getting admission in Hisbullah Arabic College at Saidapet, Chennai. Then I studied Arabic Grammar for 2 years in age old and renowned Arabic College, Al-Bakiyathus Salihat, Vellore. Later, after getting admission in Darul Uloom Jamalia Arabic College, an internationally renowned Islamic Institution in the heart of Chennai, I studied Arabic language and writing for 3 years and finally I studied Islamic Jurisprudence and completed my Moulavi course in Mahlarathul Qadiriya Arabic College, Kayalpattinam, Tuticorin District, Tamil Nadu. In order to attain perfection in Islamic studies.
I completed my Afzal-ul-Ulama an equivalent to B.A. Arabic degree from Madras University and completed my P.G. degree for Modern literature in Arabic from The New College, Chennai. During my studies, I was also studying simultaneously the spiritual healing methodology and practices from my Beloved father.
The Quadiriya Divine Centre is rendering its service since 1963. It was established by my beloved father late Moulana. M. Abdur Rasheed Rahmani Quadiri who was popularly known as “Pammal Hazrath & Burma Hazrath” among the general public.
He was an eminent Islamic scholar and spiritual healer, cured in-numerable patients with spiritual healing methods without any medicine and also gave counseling to many persons to cure their mental stress, depression and agony. He rendered his service to humanity till his last breath.
My beloved father thought each and every steps of spiritual healing methods through many practical training classes and observation which he practiced regularly during his lifetime. After attaining perfection in the field of spiritual healing treatment process from my father, I am rendering the service to humanity irrespective of caste, creed and religion among the human society since 1998.
Islamic spiritual healing and counseling is the only way which provides proper guidance, perfect healing and ultimate cure from all suffering due to witchery, black magic, evil eye, evil spirit etc. and psychological problems such as high depression, mental disorder, suicide thoughts etc. and medical problems such as wheezing, cancer, heart attack, chest pain, back bone pain, joint pain, skin burning, itching, indigestion, pimples, sleeplessness, in-activeness, very often headache, any chronicle disease, childless, irregular menses, impotency, loss in memory etc. which are a challenging task for the doctor in the present world. Business losses, impediments in business development, continuous failure in abroad job opportunity, delay in marriage, non obedience of children or in-laws, suspecting husband, husband or wife with illegal relation, unnecessary disputation etc…
I can solve all your physical, mental and spiritual problems by names of Allah and Quran verses with age old system experience from my ancestors and with the references from ancient Arabic, Urdu, Persian, Tamil and Arabu Tamil Texts.
This Is Our Treatment Method
You may be well aware that there are many kinds of spiritual healing. In that aspect, we are providing solutions to all types of problems by capitalizing on the incomparable guidance given by our forefathers along with the divine verses, the divine messengers (Mu’akkalat) reflected in the Beautiful names of Allah and the prayer called ‘Dua’.
On the contrary, we never use the help of jinn, shaitan, or evil spirit to endanger our basic ideology.
Policy And Procedure
We are Sunni Muslims. We worship the almighty Allah alone and we follow the last prophet our beloved Muhammad (Peace be upon him). We also believe all the messengers and prophets of Allah.
We love and revere the Awliya (Islamic saints buried in Dargas). We accept and follow the principles of Islamic Shariah laid down by four imams i.e. four schools of thought -Hanafi, Shafi, Maaliki and Hanbali-. We also confirm that the Wahhabis are against the basic tenets of Islam.
Apt Knowledge And Adequate Experience Are Our Uniqueness
As i hold the Moulavi Aalim (Islamic Scholar) degree and a Masters Degree in Arabic Language from the University of Madras, I am well versed in Arabic, English, Urdu, Persian and obviously our mother tongue Tamil.
By the grace of the Almighty, we have thoroughly studied and researched this holy knowledge found in these languages in the ancient texts and solved thousands of problems using the procedures described in those texts.
It is normally not easy to find properly educated people in this field and it’s really rare to find someone with such a higher education and experience. That’s our USP and speciality.
Special Monitoring Until Complete Healing
We challenge that any chronic illness abandoned by the doctors can be cured by us.
We have been successful in treating the early stage cancers especially breast cancer, skin cancer and throat cancer without the help of any chemical substances.
Special Monitoring Until Complete Healing
We challenge that any chronic illness abandoned by the doctors can be cured by us.
We have been successful in treating the early stage cancers especially breast cancer, skin cancer and throat cancer without the help of any chemical substances.
A special monitoring committee will be set up to monitor the patients until their illness is completely cured.
That team will visit the patients both in the morning and evening to find out how their health is improving and do the spiritual healing process that needs to be done enthusiastically.
Understanding The Cause Very Accurately
All kinds of problems like witchcraft – blackmagic, jinn-devil, Rouhani-demon can be clearly identified and solved in the most accurate way.
At the same time, it cannot be concluded that all those who come to us seeking solutions to their problems are victims of evil, such as Shaitan, blackmagic etc.
Conversely, they could be suffering from the reasons other than that. Whatever the cause, it will be accurately identified and resolved by us.
Perhaps, when we do not have a solution, then we will suggest them with the alternative solution on the humanitarian ground.
The Secret Behind Our Success
We don’t differentiate between the people based on their backgrounds like rich, poor, known, unknown etc. but we treat all the people equally on the basis of humanity.
We show the same kind of care, kindness and consideration to all.
Anyone can contact us or visit us at any time during the working hours and share their feelings openly.
The main secret of our success is thinking of a solution to their problems, to seek the end for their sufferings, to work hard for it regardless of the time and last not least, instilling in the hearts of patients and sufferers the hope that “He is for us”.
Simplicity And Sweetness - That's Our Greatness
Normally, those who involved in this field – especially, those who make their livelihood from this – have a unique identity for themselves.
That appearance itself will be like a mobile billboard for them.
Obviously, it will create some kind of allergy and fear among the people to go near to them.
But we are completely different in this aspect as we neither do any make ups nor decorate ourselves with any special attires.
Very simple, natural and down to the earth attitude is the silver lining in our uniqueness.
Suggestions For Saving Human Life
“Don’t worry”! “We are there”! “Everything will be alright”! How many of us know that these are the golden words which will save the human life as first aid?
There is a famous Zen quote which says, ‘If the poisonous words can hurt the mind of others, then why not the good words can heal the pain of others”.
Good words and suggestions have more power than magic and medicines.
The people will feel as if their problems have been solved when they talk to us.
Therefore, suggestions and advices are not medicines, but feast for our souls..
Let's Raise Humanity! Let's Save Human Lives!
For more than half a century, we have been serving traditionally, focusing only on the egalitarian idea that ‘human life is common to all, one race, one God’, overcoming the main factors in disrupting humanity, such as caste, religion and race.
All these years of our service, we didn’t earn anything monetarily except the good words like ‘He is elegant’, ‘He is trustworthy and guard our secrets’.
We always believe that this is not the field to earn money and maintain that strongly. That’s our stand.